Kholzan - сenter of rehabilitation and monitoring of birds of prey - uVisitRussia
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Kholzan - сenter of rehabilitation and monitoring of birds of prey

The Center for Monitoring and Rehabilitation of Birds of Prey was founded in 2003, it is located on 2.5 hectares of forest and is home to more than 50 species of animals.

During the visit to Holzan you will get acquainted with the rarest animals from all corners of the world, including species that are threatened with extinction. Also, you can visit our interesting and informative excursions, feed the birds of prey, get acquainted with the cubs. Our goal - to help people get along with the animal world and save it.


  • Rehabilitation of the wounded, sick and orphaned birds in order to return to their natural habitat.
  • Teaching our guests of all ages the importance of preserving wildlife and the features of the process of rehabilitating birds of prey.
  • Support for regional and global programs for the conservation of wildlife.