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Intercession (Pokrovsky) Monastery, Suzdal

The Pokrovsky Monastery was founded in 1364 during the reign of Suzdal Prince Dmitry Konstantinovich. Over time, the monastery became one of the largest in Russia.

In 1923 the monastery was closed. In the 1980s, a hotel and a restaurant were opened on its territory. The cathedral was equipped with a concert hall. In the 1990s, the Pokrovsky Monastery was returned to the Church. Now it is under the protection of UNESCO.

From the 16th century, representatives of aristocratic families were exiled to this monastery. One of the first was sharpened the wife of Basil III, Solomonia Saburova, accused by her husband of infertility. By the way, he, Vasily III, donated a large amount of money to the monastery. In addition, the fifth wife of Ivan the Terrible, Anna Vasilchikova, the wife of the Prince Vladimir Andreyevich Evdokia Nagaya, the daughter of Boris Godunov Xenia, the wife of Peter I Eudoxia Lopukhina, were at the monastery at various times.

The main building of the monastery is the white-stone Intercession Cathedral. The second important object is the Belfry. The Holy Gates with the Church of the Annunciation, which follows the composition of the main cathedral, are interesting. It is worth looking at the Zachatievsky Refectory Church, which was built on the orders of Ivan the Terrible. It attracts attention with an unusual pattern (large rhombuses of red brick) and masonry, traditional for Poland. Glaciers, storage facilities, the monastic kitchen that has survived to the present, the dungeon - all this and much more deserves the attention of visitors.

There is a legend that Solomonia Saburova, accused by her husband of infertility during the tonsure, was expecting a child. She given birth to a son in a monastery and secretly gave him up to the upbringing to faithful people, and told the others that the newborn had died. Rumor has it that the son of Solomonia became famous in Russia by the robber Kudeyar, whom N.Nekrasov mentions in the legend “About two great sinners” (from the poem “Who Lives Well in Russia”). In 1934, a children's coffin was found in the monastery, and there was only a rag doll in it. However, whose coffin and doll is still unknown.

If you just want to explore the monastery, then a couple of hours will be enough for you. If you are going to take part in the monastic services, then you can spend a whole day here.

It is better to arrive early, then there will be more time for inspection. If you want to go to worship, you need to arrive in the morning by 8.00, on Sundays and public holidays - by 9.00. Or in the evening - by 5 pm, in winter time - by 4 pm.

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