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Theater of Musical Comedy

Khabarovsk is the main cultural center of the Far East. There are a lot of historical and art museums, libraries, philharmonic societies and theaters here. Here you will be bored, just do not have to. The Theater of Musical Comedy (Khabarovsk) enjoys special popularity among the guests and residents.

The first performance was shown in the autumn of 1926. Initially, the theater troupe worked in Khabarovsk not constantly, but periodically toured in other cities. In the early 30s of the last century the repertoire was represented mainly by classical performances: "Maritsa", "Bayadere" and others. During the war years, he continued his development and supported the spirit of the soldiers of the Soviet army. The world fame for the Musical Comedy Theater of Khabarovsk came in 1946, after a tour of European countries. Abroad it was accepted very well, tickets for performances were sold out all. In 1975, the Hungarian television produced a special film dedicated to the theater.
At the beginning of the 90s, the students of the theatrical institute were actively involved in productions, which were taught by recognized masters of acting. The repertoire has considerably expanded. There were unusually funny, author's performances. Every year they became winners of international competitions and festivals. In 2008, the theater moved to a new stage of development - it became the regional Khabarovsk Theater of the Musical Comedy. The collective has a lot of diplomas and prizes from the administration of culture of the Far East. The theater has many projects, one of which is the annual festival of "Best Russian Performances on the Khabarovsk Stage". Visitors can see the performances of famous Moscow, St. Petersburg and other bands.
A large three-story building on the outside is decorated with colorful posters with upcoming performances. Around a lot of parking spaces, so there is no problem where to put the car.
Since the theater "starts with a hanger," the first thing you'll see when you cross the threshold is a wardrobe. It is quite small. And after the performances, long lines are often collected. The foyer of the theater is decorated with mirrors and portraits of the best actors who once played here. On the ground floor is the Small Hall. There are various master classes, presentations and meetings with famous artists. It is very cozy and comfortable here. It is small and can accommodate 60 people. The big hall is on the second floor, where you can climb a beautiful staircase. So, you will get to the ground floor, designed for 509 people. The seats are comfortable, with high backs. On the steps is a brand new carpet. The scene is huge, which allows you to fully enjoy the game of actors, as well as to see the stunning scenery. Thanks to modern sound equipment, everything is perfectly audible. On the third floor there is an entrance to the balcony and a box. The administration is trying to do everything to ensure that visitors are comfortable when visiting the performances. If you have any questions, you can contact the director by phone at the Theater of Musical Comedy(Khabarovsk). It is listed on the official website.