QUERY: (SELECT tmp.*, tt.code, tt.name, tp.code as perf_code, tp.name as perf_name, date_format(tmp.date, '%e,%M,%W') as date_first,  date_format(tmp.time, '%k:%i') as time_column, IF(tp.description='',tp1.description,tp.description) as description, tp.description_full, tp.id_perfomancetype, IF(year(curdate())=year(tmp.date),'',year(tmp.date) ) as year, tt.ves as ves, date_format(tmp.time, '%l:%i %p') as time_column1, datediff(tmp.date, curdate()) as offset, tt.address FROM U_ticketsTmp tmp LEFT JOIN ticket_theatre tt ON tt.id=tmp.theatre_id LEFT JOIN ticket_perfomances tp ON tp.id=tmp.perf_id LEFT JOIN ticket_perfomances tp1 ON tp1.id=tp.id_base WHERE 1=1 AND tt.show2=1  AND tmp.date >=curdate()  AND tmp.date>='2024-06-01' AND tmp.date<='2024-06-21' AND tmp.perf_id=173) ORDER BY date ASC, ves DESC, time ASC
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QUERY: SELECT tmp.*, tt.code, tt.name, tp.code as perf_code, tp.name as perf_name, date_format(tmp.date, '%e,%M,%W') as date_first,  date_format(tmp.time, '%k:%i') as time_column, IF(tp.description='',tp1.description,tp.description) as description, tp.description_full, tp.id_perfomancetype, IF(year(curdate())=year(tmp.date),'',year(tmp.date) ) as year, tt.ves as ves, date_format(tmp.time, '%l:%i %p') as time_column1, datediff(tmp.date, curdate()) as offset, tt.address FROM U_ticketsTmp tmp LEFT JOIN ticket_theatre tt ON tt.id=tmp.theatre_id LEFT JOIN ticket_perfomances tp ON tp.id=tmp.perf_id LEFT JOIN ticket_perfomances tp1 ON tp1.id=tp.id_base WHERE 1=1 AND tt.show2=1  AND tmp.date >=curdate()  AND tmp.date>='' AND tmp.perf_id<>173 AND tp.id_base=515 AND tmp.city_id=2 ORDER BY date ASC, ves DESC, time ASC
ERROR: (#1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'offset, tt.address FROM U_ticketsTmp tmp LEFT JOIN ticket_theatre tt ON tt.id...' at line 1

	12 October 2018, 19:00 - La Traviata - G.Verdi - uVisitRussia




Home Theaters Moscow Moscow theatre "New Opera" 12 October 2018, 19:00 - La Traviata - G.Verdi
2018 | Friday
Moscow theatre "New Opera", Moscow
Duration: 2 hours 10 minutes
World premiere: Moscow theatre "New Opera", 14 July 1999

The most lyrical Verdi’s work is La traviata, based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas, fils The Lady of the Camellias. The title La traviata means literally The Fallen Woman, or perhaps more figuratively, The Woman Who Goes Astray. The title character of the play is Marguerite Gautier, who is based on Marie Duplessis, the real-life lover of author Dumas, fils. Duplessis was both a popular courtesan and the hostess of a salon, where politicians, writers, and artists gathered for socializing. Alexandre Dumas, père allegedly insisted on his son splitting up with Duplessis: and when he returned to Paris, she had already died of consumption. Since its debut as a play, numerous editions have been performed at theatres around the world. Giuseppe Verdi attended the Paris première of the play and soon turned to composing the opera. When Dumas, fils heard La traviata, he said: “Nobody would have remembered my Lady of the Camellias in 50 years but for Verdi, who made it immortal”.

Musical version by Evgeny Kolobov
Conductors: Dmitry Volosnikov, Anatoly Gus, Valery Kritskov
Stage Director: Alla Sigalova
Set Designer: Ernst Heidebrecht
Costume Designer: Maria Danilova
Chief choirmaster: Natalya Popovich
Choirmaster: Andrey Lazarev

Performed in Italian with Russian surtitles

This production prefers black to bright colours. Novaya Opera’s La traviata is not a romantic love story, but a tragedy of love and death. The performance begins and ends with Violetta’s death. In the interim, Violetta, like a wounded bird, thrashes and rushes about, trying to break out from the closed circuit of her own destiny. The production reveals the gap between the current and the last century. The theatre not only feels sympathy for Violetta and Alfredo, but mourns over them.


“Such a professional in all its components, complete and unpredictable performance has not been seen not only at the Novaya Opera, but in the whole of Moscow for a long time”. (The Kultura newspaper. 11–17 November 1999)

 “In this performance the nerves are naked. The reactions are rapid and spontaneous. The producers have enlarged the emotions of the characters, leaving only the gist of the story and throwing off what in their opinion is useless entourage, décor.” (Supplement to the Pervoe Sentyabrya – Iskusstvo newspaper. No. 5, February 2000)

Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
Composer: Giuseppe Verdi