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	Imre Kalman (Composer) - uVisitRussia



Home Theaters Imre Kalman (Composer)

Imre Kalman (Composer)

Emmerich Kalman (October 24, 1882 - October 30, 1953), also known as Imre Kalman, was a Hungarian composer of operettas.

Kalman was born in Siofok, on the southern shore of Lake Balaton, Hungary (formerly in the Austro-Hungarian Empire) in a Jewish family. Kalman had initially intended to become a concert pianist, but because of early-onset arthritis, he instead started focusing on composition. He studied music theory and composition at the National Hungarian Royal Academy of Music (then the Budapest Academy of Music), where he was a fellow student of Bela Bartok and Zoltan Kodaly under Hans Kossler. His early symphonic poems were well-received, although he failed to achieve publication.

However, the popularity of his humorous cabaret songs led him towards the composition of operettas. His first great success was Tatarjaras (the German version is named Ein Herbstmanover, while the English name is The Gay Hussars) first staged at the Lustspieltheater in Budapest on February 22, 1908. Thereafter he moved to Vienna where he achieved a worldwide fame by composing his operettas Der Zigeunerprimas, Die Csardasfurstin, Grafin Mariza, and Die Zirkusprinzessin.

Kalman and Franz Lehar were the leading composers of what has been called the "Silver Age" of Viennese operetta during the first quarter of the 20th century. He became well-known for his fusion of Viennese waltz with Hungarian csardas. Even so, polyphonically and melodically, Kalman was a devoted follower of Giacomo Puccini, while in his orchestrational methods he employed principles characteristic of Tchaikovsky‘s music.

Kalman left Europe to escape Nazi persecution, settling in California. He became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1942. He emigrated back to Europe from New York in 1949, settling in Paris, where he died.

Operettas with place and date of first production
Tatarjaras - Budapest - 1908
Ein Herbstmanover - Vienna - 1909 (German version of Tatarjaras)
The Gay Hussars - New York - 1909
Autumn Manoeuvres - London - 1912
Az Obsitos - Budapest -1910
Der gute Kamerad - Vienna - 1911 (German revision of Az Obsitos)
Gold gab ich fur Eisen - Vienna - 1914 (revision of Der gute Kamerad)
Der Zigeunerprimas - Vienna - 1912
Sari - New York - 1914
The Blue House - London - 1912
Der kleine Konig - Vienna - 1912
Her Soldier Boy - New York - 1916
Soldier Boy - London - 1918
Zsuzsi kisasszony - Budapest - 1915
Miss Springtime - New York - 1916
Die Faschingsfee - Vienna - 1917 (German revision of Zsuzsi kisasszony)
Die Csardasfurstin - Vienna - 1915
The Riviera Girl - New York - 1917
The Gipsy Princess - London - 1921
Das Hollandweibchen - Vienna - 1920
A Little Dutch Girl - London - 1920
The Dutch Girl - U.S. - 1925
Die Bajadere - Vienna -1921
The Yankee Princess - New York -1922
Grafin Mariza - Vienna -1924
Countess Maritza - New York - 1926
Maritza - London - 1938
Die Zirkusprinzessin - Vienna - 1926
The Circus Princess - New York - 1927
Golden Dawn - New York - 1927
Die Herzogin von Chicago - Vienna - 1928
The Duchess of Chicago - U.S. - 1929
Das Veilchen vom Montmartre - Vienna - 1930
Paris in Spring - U.S. - 1930
A Kiss in Spring - London - 1932
Der Teufelsreiter - Vienna - 1932
Kaiserin Josephine - Zurich -- 1936
Miss Underground - written 1942, unproduced
Marinka - New York - 1945
Arizona Lady - Bern - 1954