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	Boris Eifman (Choreography) - uVisitRussia



Home Theaters Boris Eifman (Choreography)

Boris Eifman (Choreography)

In the theater under the management of B.Eifman was designed ballet company with the special plastic thinking. Artists, brilliantly managing classical dance, possess the gift of reincarnation. Eifman, being the creator of new actor‘s school, defines the skill of ballet, first of all, as spiritual process.In the theater under the management of B.Eifman was designed ballet company with the special plastic thinking. Artists, brilliantly managing classical dance, possess the gift of reincarnation. Eifman, being the creator of new actor‘s school, defines the skill of ballet, first of all, as spiritual process.
Eifman was borne on 22 July, 1946, in Rubtsovske (Altai edge). It finished Kishinev choreographic school and baletmeysterskoye department of Leningrad conservatory (1972).
Boris Eifman‘s creation caused the agitated response of spectators and close attention of critics already from its first settings. From 1970 through 1977 it was khoreografom of the academy of the Russian ballet of im.A.Ya.Vaganovoy, where were placed plays to "life towards", "souls excellent impulses", "Russian symphony", "fantasy", the "interrupted song".
In 1975 it took place the premier of play "firebird" to the music Of i.Stravinskogo on the scene Kirov theater.
In 1977 of the young of khoreograf were obtained the possibility to create its theater, Leningrad new ballet (now - the "St. Petersburg state academic theater of ballet under Boris eifman‘s management"). Having either scene or constant rehearsal accomodations, with the small association, theater originally arose as author‘s, as the theater of one khoreografa, which for those years was phenomenon unique.
The first settings, such, as "two-goalthis" with The the alloy Osipenko and by John Markovian, ballet the "boomerang", to the music of group "Pink Floyd", about which "new -c1orkTa1ms" it published article under the title "Boris Eifman - man, who dared", they brought to ballet master the reputation of "choreographic dissident".
In the years of its fruitful activity Of b.Ya.Eifman created more than 40 ballets, which damage by its genre variety: the program of chamber ballets ("autographs", "metamorphoses"), ballets -buff ("reckless day, or the marriage of bolero", the "twelfth night", the "intrigues of love"), ballet- parable ("legend"), ballet- fairy tale ("firebird", "pinokkio"). The significant place in the creation of theater engaged the plays, set on the motives of the works of the classicists of world literature. Ballet master first on the ballet scene turned himself to Dostoyevsky‘s creation. Play "idiot" became noticeable event in the cultural peace. Then followed "duel" (on Kuprin‘s narrative), "master and Margaret" (on Bulgakov‘s novel), "Theresa raken" (on Zola‘s novel). Among the last works of khoreografa, which received world acknowledgement, "requiem", "Tschaikovsky", the "Don Quixote, or the fantasies of madman", "karamazovy", "red Zhizel‘", "my Jerusalem", "Russian Hamlet", the "Don Juan and Moliere".
Creating its style, Eifman studied different plastic systems, theater became for it unique laboratory. In the theater under the management Of b.Ya.Eifmana was designed ballet company with the special plastic thinking. Artists, brilliantly managing classical dance, possess the gift of reincarnation. Eifman, being the creator of new actor‘s school, defines the skill of ballet, first of all, as spiritual process.
Now the theater, headed B.Y.Eifmanom - this is the association, which enjoys constant success in the country and abroad; it conquered world acknowledgement, constantly performing on tour 0 0N throughout the world.