QUERY: (SELECT tmp.*, tt.code, tt.name, tp.code as perf_code, tp.name as perf_name, date_format(tmp.date, '%e,%M,%W') as date_first,  date_format(tmp.time, '%k:%i') as time_column, IF(tp.description='',tp1.description,tp.description) as description, tp.description_full, tp.id_perfomancetype, IF(year(curdate())=year(tmp.date),'',year(tmp.date) ) as year, tt.ves as ves, date_format(tmp.time, '%l:%i %p') as time_column1, datediff(tmp.date, curdate()) as offset, tt.address FROM U_ticketsTmp tmp LEFT JOIN ticket_theatre tt ON tt.id=tmp.theatre_id LEFT JOIN ticket_perfomances tp ON tp.id=tmp.perf_id LEFT JOIN ticket_perfomances tp1 ON tp1.id=tp.id_base WHERE 1=1 AND tt.show2=1  AND tmp.date >=curdate()  AND tmp.id IN (-1)) ORDER BY date ASC, ves DESC, time ASC LIMIT 10
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	Gediminas Taranda (Artistic Director) - uVisitRussia



Home Theaters Gediminas Taranda (Artistic Director)

Gediminas Taranda (Artistic Director)

Art director is Gediminas Taranda All-Russia ballet artists’ competition, student, 1978.
All-union competition of ballet dancers and ballet-makers, the First Prize, 1980.
All-union competition of ballet dancers and ballet-makers – the Prize for the best performance of choreographic compositions, 1984.
“The Person of the Year” and the Mark of Honour “The Silver Cross” in the field “Religions, cultures and sciences”, 1997.
Solo dancer of the Bolshoi Theatre, 1980–1994.

“IMPERIAL RUSSIAN BALLET” was founded in April 1994, on the initiative of the legendary Russian ballet-dancer Maya Plisetskaya. The group’s name is a tribute to both former “emperors” of the stage – immortal founders of the Russian ballet stage, and to the Emperor’s family, that had made a great historical contribution into native culture, including the foundation of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theatres.

“Imperial Russian Ballet” today – is one of the most successful and relevant ballet groups in Moscow. It is characterized by high troupe skill that works as a unit. The repertoire of the theatre is built on a composition of classical masterpieces and performances, based on modern findings. The creative activity of the “Imperial” is vivid, bright and unique. It attracts to cooperation not only Russian stars, such as Vladimir Malakhov, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Elena Andrienko, but also leading artists from the best European and American theatres.

The name of Gediminas Taranda is closely connected with the name of the great Plisetskaya. It was him, who became the follower of her style in modern ways, the holder of personality in ballet, searching for new forms of connecting stage art with the public. Ballet lovers today are the witness of his creative bloom, and his name always promises innovations in the dancing style of the “Imperial”.

“Imperial Russian Ballet” and its Art director were the initiators and members of numerous competitions and gala-shows that had become noticeable events both in Russian cultural life and abroad.