QUERY: (SELECT tmp.*, tt.code, tt.name, tp.code as perf_code, tp.name as perf_name, date_format(tmp.date, '%e,%M,%W') as date_first,  date_format(tmp.time, '%k:%i') as time_column, IF(tp.description='',tp1.description,tp.description) as description, tp.description_full, tp.id_perfomancetype, IF(year(curdate())=year(tmp.date),'',year(tmp.date) ) as year, tt.ves as ves, date_format(tmp.time, '%l:%i %p') as time_column1, datediff(tmp.date, curdate()) as offset, tt.address FROM U_ticketsTmp tmp LEFT JOIN ticket_theatre tt ON tt.id=tmp.theatre_id LEFT JOIN ticket_perfomances tp ON tp.id=tmp.perf_id LEFT JOIN ticket_perfomances tp1 ON tp1.id=tp.id_base WHERE 1=1 AND tt.show2=1  AND tmp.date >=curdate()  AND tmp.date>='2024-06-02' AND tmp.date<='2024-06-22' AND tmp.perf_id=984) ORDER BY date ASC, ves DESC, time ASC
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	1 March 2019, 19:00 - Elektra (opera in one act) by Richard Strauss - uVisitRussia




Home Theaters Saint Petersburg Mariinsky Theatre - Mariinsky II 1 March 2019, 19:00 - Elektra (opera in one act) by Richard Strauss
2019 | Friday
Mariinsky Theatre - Mariinsky II, Saint Petersburg
Duration: 1 hours 55 minutes
World premiere: Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg, 6 May 2007

World premiere: 25 January 1909, Hofoper, Dresden
Russian premiere: 18 February 1913, Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg
Premiere of this production: 6 May 2007, Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg

Elektra is a one-act opera by Richard Strauss, to a German-language libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal adapted from his drama of 1903—the first of many such collaborations between composer and librettist. It was first performed at the Dresden State Opera on January 25, 1909, and remains a part of the standard operatic repertoire.



All of Elektraґs thoughts are focussed on avenging the death of her father Agamemnon, killed by his wife Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisth. She avoids all communication with the murderers, patiently bearing the cruel treatment of her stepfather and the servantsґ ridicule; she lives among the dogs and remains true to her decision to be a living reproof in this house, where the crime was committed. She awaits her brother Orest and hopes he will punish the evil couple. With a threatening expression on her face she openly declares to Clytemnestra that all her thoughts and desires are aimed at killing her and Aegisth with Orestґs help. At the same time two travellers arrive with news of Orestґs death. Elektra then begs her sister Chrysothemis to help her in her mission of revenge but Chrysothemis pulls away in terror. Elektra is filled with determination to carry out her plan alone and digs up the axe with which Aegisth killed Agamemnon. A stranger enters. Although his unusual tone initially troubles Elektra, she soon recognises him to be her brother when the old servants fall at his knees. One calls on Orest to act, and together they enter the queenґs palace. In a state of extreme anxiety, Elektra keeps watch at the gates and runs back and forth like a caged animal. Clytemnestraґs piercing scream is heard from inside the palace. When Aegisth returns home, with sly cordiality Elektra meets him and tells him that there are two messengers in the palace with "the mistress" who have brought news of Orestґs death. Aegisth enters the palace where Orest kills him. In ecstasy, Elektra begins a triumphant dance. "Those as happy as we can only be silent and dance!" She makes a few convulsive movements and then falls to the ground, lifeless.


Casts & Credits

Composer: Richard Strauss
Lighting Designer: Tim Mitchell
Musical Director: Maestro Valery Gergiev
Principal Chorus Master: Andrei Petrenko
Set Designer: Paul Brown
Stage Director: Jonathan Kent
Composer: Richard Strauss
Lighting Designer: Tim Mitchell
Musical Director: Maestro Valery Gergiev
Principal Chorus Master: Andrei Petrenko
Set Designer: Paul Brown
Stage Director: Jonathan Kent