Spring "Tsaritsyn key" - uVisitRussia
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Spring "Tsaritsyn key"

The spring "Tsaritsyn key" is located at 35 km, right a hundred meters from the road Typikitsy-Medvezhygosk, not reaching 5 km to the village of Tolvuya Medvezhiegorsk district of the Republic of Karelia, to the south.

Local people very often recruit water here, loving it for a pleasant taste and believing that it has medicinal properties that the peasants used for a very long time, even 100 years before the discovery of ferruginous Marcial waters known to everyone in Karelia and beyond.

"Tsaritsyn key" is also called the "Tsar's key" here. The name of the spring was not accidental, but in honor of the mother of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, Marfa Ioannovna, who was imprisoned in the Tolvuiski pogost in exile from 1601 to 1605. Boyaryne, who suffered from epilepsy, local peasants advised to use water from the spring. Martha Ioannovna so often went to the spring, that the spring was called tsaritsin.

Treated with water from this source and gastric diseases.