Lysaya Gora Memorial Complex - uVisitRussia
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Lysaya Gora Memorial Complex

Lysaya Gora Memorial Complex is a monument of military history, located in the Soviet district of the city of Volgograd.


Fierce battles for the height of 145.5 and the adjacent territory were conducted continuously from September 1942 to January 1943 for 147 days.

Here, the land, cut by deep moats and trenches, still keeps thousands of fragments of mines, shells, bullets. In September 1942, the Nazis took control of the height, turning it into a powerful knot of resistance. They dug trenches, installed mines and surrounded the mountain with a wire fence. This is a strategic point: the panorama of the southern part of Volgograd opens from the mountain.

The Red Army had to storm the Red Army several times: in October 1942 and January 1943. With the withdrawal of the German fascist troops to the Volga near the town of Kuporosnoye, on the right flank of the southern sector of the defense of the Stalingrad Front, the defense was held by the 64th Army of General Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilov.

On January 12, 1943, the fighter of the 97th Brigade, P.I. Karpov was the first to break into the enemy trenches and destroy six of the machine guns with fire from the machine gun. Again, a fierce battle began for the summit. Soviet troops had to storm every strongpoint. On January 17, at the cost of incredible efforts, some of the 64th Army withdrew to the western slopes of the mountain and drove the enemy to the center of Stalingrad. The Lysaya Gora was liberated.

On Lysaya Gora fighting units of the 64th Army:
7th Rifle Corps
36th Guards Division
126th and 422th Infantry Divisions
the consolidated cadet regiment, and others.

Soldiers and officers - defenders of Stalingrad showed exceptional resilience and courage and did not miss the enemy to the Volga.


In memory of these events on Lysaya Gora in 1968, a 20-meter obelisk with the inscribed words: "The world stood up for future generations, Glory to you and the eternal gratitude of the Fatherland. The Motherland honors these exploits, whose name is immortality. "

A little further away is the mass grave of the fallen defenders. The existing monument was built in 1973 according to a standard project of marble chips. The obelisk has a height of 4 meters, the size of the tombstone is 1.8 × 4.0 m, the fence is made of chains 2.4 × 4.8 m.