The border of Europe and Asia
Border between Europe and Asia is one of the features of the Ural area. Yekaterinburg is situated practically on it, the boundary runs in 17 km from the city. The total length of the border on the territory of Russia is 5524 km (including the Ural mountain range - 2000 km., 2534km on the River Ural, and on the Caspian Sea - 990 km). The question of where the border between Europe and Asia is, different time was solved differently. Ancient Greeks held this border on the Mediterranean Sea, all what was to the east, they regarded as Asia. Later the border between Europe and Asia gradually moved eastward: at various time the line was on the rivers Don and Volga, Ob, and other geographical boundaries. The modern border between Europe and Asia has been proposed by Tatischev, the founder of many cities in the Ural region. It was he justified the drawing of the border over the Ural mountains and the River Ural. Tatishchev was the first who expressed an opinion about the Ural mountain range as the natural and geophysical boundary between two parts of the world. Based on data from modern scientific research, we can say that the Ural Mountains have every reason to be the border between Europe and Asia - two different parts of the world. This proves the difference between types of flora and fauna, situated on the western and eastern slopes, and the difference in types, pools and flows of rivers. Border between Europe and Asia, thus, lies on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains. Obelisks are monuments on the border between Europe and Asia that were installed from the beginning of 19th century. The first steals looked like wooden monuments on their four sides were inscriptions "Europe" and "Asia". For taking care and protection next to them people built small guard house in which lived huntsmen. Some monuments from the border Europe - Asia had their own unique destiny, obelisk near the mountain Berezovaya was first established in 1807, and in 1837 a wooden stele has been replaced by a marble one with the royal emblem - on the occasion of the emperor delegation visit. The border of Europe and Asia is better to attend with a guided tour, because You will be able to see the monument "Europe-Asia ", in addition, you can also hear the fascinating story of the guide from which you can learn a lot of useful, interesting and fascinating facts about history of the Ural region. In total in the Ural region there are more than 20 obelisks Europe and Asia. As a rule, tourists from visiting Yekaterinburg obelisk, set on the border between Europe and Asia and also visit the monument, which is located at 17 km of the Moscow highway (from Yekaterinburg in direction of Pervouralsk and Perm). Here, in August 2004 was installed a modern symbol of Europe and Asia. At the bottom of the obelisk are two stones, which symbolize the union of the two parts of the world: one was brought from the farthest point of Europe - Cape Roca, the other - from the edge of the Asiatic continent - Cape Dezhnev. Duration of the tour to the border of Europe and Asia usually is about 3-4 hours. |