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Ural State Academy of Geology and Mining

The oldest university in Ekaterinburg and the Urals. The university was established on July 3 (16) 1914 by a law approved by Emperor Nicholas II, as the Mining Institute.

July 3, 1914, Nicholas II, aboard the Imperial yacht "Standart", approved the law "On the establishment of a mining institute in the city of Yekaterinburg." November 7, 1915 in the hall of the Yekaterinburg City Duma, the first meeting of the Construction Commission, approved and approved the draft design of the building of the future Mining Institute.

July 17, 1916, laid the foundation stone of the Ural Mining Institute.

November 6, 1916, the purpose of accelerating the construction of the Institute, the Construction Commission appealed to Nicholas II with a request for the adoption of the institution under "His Imperial Majesty's Patronage and on giving him the name" Ural Mining Institute of Emperor Nicholas II. "

On January 3 (16), 1917, the law "On the adoption of the Yekaterinburg Mining Institute under the Highest of His Imperial Majesty's patronage and the granting of this name to the educational institution of the name" Ural Mining Institute of Emperor Nicholas II. "

October 9, 1917 in Yekaterinburg, the Mining Institute was opened, the rector of the institute was an honorary citizen of the city of Yekaterinburg Peter Petrovich von Weimarn.

Since 1934 the university was called the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute (SGI), and then the Ural Mining Institute, since 1993 - the Ural State Mining and Geological Academy. In May 2004, by decision of the Accreditation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the university received the highest status - "University".

Bust of V.Vakhrushev

In the period 1947-1993. The institute was named after VV Vakhrushev, People's Commissar of the Coal Industry of the USSR. Now this reminds him of his bust, installed in the courtyard of the first university building.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 12, 1969 for great services in training specialists for the national economy and the development of scientific research. Sverdlovsk Mining Institute. VV Vakhrushev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

In 2014, the Mining University turned 100 years old: during this time the university trained more than 50 thousand mining engineers, hundreds of doctors and candidates of science. Retraining and advanced training in 25 specialties annually pass 2,5-3 thousand managers and specialists.

Based on the results of the rating compiled by the Coordination and Analytical Center for the Promotion of Employment of Graduates of Vocational Education Institutions (KCTS) at the Moscow State University named after N.E. Bauman, the Employment Promotion Center of the Mining University took an honorable third place (together with the Russian State Pedagogical University) in the rating of the university centers, bypassing the Ural State Forestry University (4th place) and the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia BN Yeltsin (5th place) in the Sverdlovsk region . 754 universities of Russia from 79 subjects of the Russian Federation participated in the rating.

3 iyulya 1914 goda Nikolay II, na bortu imperatorskoy yakhty «Shtandart», utverdil zakon «Ob uchrezhdenii gornogo instituta v gorode Yekaterinburge».[1][2]
7 noyabrya 1915 goda v zale Yekaterinburgskoy gorodskoy dumy sobralos' pervoye zasedaniye Stroitel'noy komissii, odobrivshey i utverdivshey eskiznyy proyekt zdaniya budushchego Gornogo instituta.
17 iyulya 1916 goda sostoyalas' zakladka pervogo kamnya v fundament Ural'skogo gornogo instituta.
6 noyabrya 1916 goda, tsel'yu uskoreniya stroitel'stva instituta, Stroitel'naya komissiya obratilas' k Nikolayu II s khodataystvom o prinyatii instituta pod «Yego Imperatorskogo Velichestva Pokrovitel'stvo i o darovanii yemu imenovaniya „Ural'skiy gornyy institut Imperatora Nikolaya II“».
3 (16) yanvarya 1917 goda byl prinyat zakon «O prinyatii Yekaterinburgskogo gornogo instituta pod Vysochaysheye Yego Imperatorskogo Velichestva pokrovitel'stvo i o darovanii semu uchebnomu zavedeniyu naimenovaniya „Ural'skiy gornyy institut Imperatora Nikolaya II“».
9 oktyabrya 1917 goda v Yekaterinburge byl otkryt Gornyy institut[3], rektorom instituta stal pochotnyy grazhdanin goroda Yekaterinburga Potr Petrovich fon Veymarn[4].
S 1934 goda vuz imenovalsya Sverdlovskim gornym institutom (SGI), a zatem Ural'skim gornym institutom, s 1993 goda — Ural'skoy gosudarstvennoy gorno-geologicheskoy akademiyey. V maye 2004 goda resheniyem Akkreditatsionnoy kollegii Ministerstva obrazovaniya i nauki Rossiyskoy Federatsii vuz poluchil vysshiy status — «Universitet».
Byust V. V. Vakhrusheva
V period 1947-1993 gg. institut nosil imya V. V. Vakhrusheva — narodnogo komissara ugol'noy promyshlennosti SSSR. Seychas ob etom napominayet yego byust, ustanovlennyy vo dvore pervogo uchebnogo zdaniya universiteta.
Ukazom Prezidiuma Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR ot 12 maya 1969 goda za bol'shiye zaslugi v podgotovke spetsialistov dlya narodnogo khozyaystva i razvitii nauchnykh issledovaniy Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut im. V. V. Vakhrusheva byl nagrazhdon ordenom Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni.
V 2014 godu Gornomu universitetu ispolnilos' 100 let: za eto vremya vuz podgotovil boleye 50 tysyach gornykh inzhenerov, sotni doktorov i kandidatov nauk. Perepodgotovku i povysheniye kvalifikatsii po 25 spetsial'nostyam yezhegodno prokhodyat 2,5-3 tysyachi rukovoditeley i spetsialistov.
Po rezul'tatam reytinga, sostavlennogo koordinatsionno-analiticheskim tsentrom sodeystviya trudoustroystvu vypusknikov uchrezhdeniy professional'nogo obrazovaniya (KTSST) pri Moskovskom gosudarstvennom universitet imeni N.E. Baumana, Tsentr sodeystviya zanyatosti Gornogo universiteta zanyal pochotnoye 3 mesto (vmeste s RGPPU) v reytinge vuzovskikh tsentrov, oboydya Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy lesotekhnicheskiy universitet (4 mesto) i Ural'skiy federal'nyy universitet imeni pervogo Prezidenta Rossii B. N. Yel'tsina (5 mesto) po Sverdlovskoy oblasti. V reytinge uchastvovalo 754 vuza Rossii iz 79-ti sub"yektov RF[5][6].
July 3, 1914, Nicholas II, aboard the Imperial yacht "Standart", approved the law "On the establishment of a mining institute in the city of Yekaterinburg." [1] [2]
November 7, 1915 in the hall of the Yekaterinburg City Duma, the first meeting of the Construction Commission, approved and approved the draft design of the building of the future Mining Institute.
July 17, 1916, laid the foundation stone of the Ural Mining Institute.
November 6, 1916, the purpose of accelerating the construction of the Institute, the Construction Commission appealed to Nicholas II with a request for the adoption of the institution under "His Imperial Majesty's Patronage and on giving him the name" Ural Mining Institute of Emperor Nicholas II. "
On January 3 (16), 1917, the law "On the adoption of the Yekaterinburg Mining Institute under the Highest of His Imperial Majesty's patronage and the granting of this name to the educational institution of the name" Ural Mining Institute of Emperor Nicholas II. "
October 9, 1917 in Yekaterinburg, the Mining Institute was opened [3], the rector of the institute was an honorary citizen of the city of Yekaterinburg Peter Petrovich von Weimarn [4].
Since 1934 the university was called the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute (SGI), and then the Ural Mining Institute, since 1993 - the Ural State Mining and Geological Academy. In May 2004, by decision of the Accreditation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the university received the highest status - "University".
Bust of V.Vakhrushev
In the period 1947-1993. The institute was named after VV Vakhrushev, People's Commissar of the Coal Industry of the USSR. Now this reminds him of his bust, installed in the courtyard of the first university building.
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 12, 1969 for great services in training specialists for the national economy and the development of scientific research. Sverdlovsk Mining Institute. VV Vakhrushev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
In 2014, the Mining University turned 100 years old: during this time the university trained more than 50 thousand mining engineers, hundreds of doctors and candidates of science. Retraining and advanced training in 25 specialties annually pass 2,5-3 thousand managers and specialists.
Based on the results of the rating compiled by the Coordination and Analytical Center for the Promotion of Employment of Graduates of Vocational Education Institutions (KCTS) at the Moscow State University named after N.E. Bauman, the Employment Promotion Center of the Mining University took an honorable third place (together with the Russian State Pedagogical University) in the rating of the university centers, bypassing the Ural State Forestry University (4th place) and the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia BN Yeltsin (5th place) in the Sverdlovsk region . 754 universities of Russia from 79 subjects of the Russian Federation participated in the rating [5] [6].