Tunnel at the station Half - uVisitRussia
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Tunnel at the station Half

Half - a settlement in the Irkutsk region. It is located on the shore of Lake Baikal, at the confluence of the river Polovinnaya. Station CBRW (Circum Baikal Railway).

The mouth of the river Polovinnaya (110 km) with a small bay, perhaps the most picturesque place on the Baikal-Amur Railway. The half, the largest river on the western section of the Circum-Baikal railway. Its length is about 43 km, width 40-50 m.
The Cape of the Half lies deep into the Baikal and protects the bay from the northern winds. Through it the longest tunnel of the Baikal railway halved. Its length is 778.4 m. Unlike other tunnels of the Baikal-Amur Railway, the Half tunnel is absolutely straight and can be seen right through. Both the cape and the tunnel received their name from the river Polovinnaya, whose mouth divides the distance between the Kultuk station and the source of the Angara exactly half. Beyond the river is the shortest tunnel of Chaikinskiy, about 30 m. The engineering constructions are also interesting, and from the point of view of good photos the bridges, thrown across the Half - iron and reinforced concrete arches. The old locomotive completes the formation of the image of the place.